Frontline (formerly known as Aesop) is the absence management system used by Fidelis.

You can access Frontline through a computer or cell phone via the system’ app.

This site provides easy access to the open jobs available.  When Teachers or Special Educational Assistants post absences, you will be notified by either the automated phone call system or through notifications on the app. 

  • Job management You will be able to view your current jobs and your past job history through the tabs provided within your personal Frontline account.  Note: You are not able to remove yourself from positions once they have been accepted.  If you would like to be removed from an absence that you have chosen please contact the Fidelis team.
  • Non work daysThe days you know you will not be working or if you have a planned ahead vacation you can enter those days on your account through one of the tabs on your homepage. (The non-work days tab is only available when you sign in on a computer, this resource is not available on the app).
  • Absence CustomizationIn the personalization tab on the left-hand side of your account dashboard you will be able to select the schools you would prefer to see. (The sub-tab for this selection is labeled “Schools”). 
  • Automated Call System – You will be able to control and customize the automated call system through the personalization tab (sub-tab “Calls”).  You will be able to edit the posted call times or, if you would prefer to only use the app, you can turn off the calling system.

Frontline learning center link –

If you have any questions please contact the Fidelis team

Calling in protocol

To call in sick or report that you will not be fulfilling the absence that you picked up please follow the steps below.

 – Call the school you were scheduled to work for and inform them that you will not be coming in for your scheduled assignment.  All contact information for each school in the district is located on our website.

 – Call Fidelis Managers to inform us that you will not be going in to work  (at least 2 hours before the start  time of your assignment).

 – In Frontline you can put yourself in as a “Non – Work Day” or request that Fidelis enters your cancelation for you.

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